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Personal branding and Personal brand

15 December, 2021 Branding

The differences between both concepts and the actions that you must take so that your business generates a significant advantage over its direct and indirect competitors.

Personal branding is the process of building and managing your personal brand. The personal brand is your most valuable asset as an “Internet entrepreneur” since having it generates associations with the key attributes that you have chosen to position your business and will make a clear difference with respect to your competitors, which is the ultimate goal of personal branding.

In summary: Personal branding is the process and personal branding is the end product of that process.

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Personal branding

It is the process of building and managing your personal brand. This includes the strategies, tactics and actions that you will implement to achieve it, it goes far beyond advertising communication; it even starts much earlier.
Here are the five stages that the entrepreneur must work to manage a personal brand on the Internet:

  • Intellectual property
  • Positioning
  • Products and programs
  • Action plan
  • Promotion

These five elements require you to work hard to find the true essence of your brand and build your business around that combination that as an entrepreneur will make you unique, impossible (or very hard) to copy or replace.

Personal Brand

Your personal brand is the most valuable asset that as an entrepreneur you will have on the Internet. This is more important than any of your products, programs, and services. Your name, for example, is perhaps the most representative attribute of your personal brand; but it is not the only thing since it includes other elements that give it life:

  • Expertise
  • Competitive advantage
  • Personal history
  • Reputation
  • Visual image
  • Communication

Your personal brand is an asset that you must manage strategically to remain in the hearts and minds of your current and future clients/partners.

To clarify the process, I am going to share some thoughts that you should consider:

  1. Your personal brand is the “umbrella”, the base under which you must align the other brands that you develop to give life to your systems, programs and products.
  2. Your name is just one of the elements of your personal brand; important but not enough.
  3. Do not treat the communication of your brand equally to the promotion of your products or programs.
  4. The power of this resides in the focus, in a key attribute; so you cannot be “everything to everyone” because you will end up being “nothing to anyone”.
  5. Your personal brand is not built with advertising. Advertising will serve you initially, but the reputation you develop through the perception you generate from “influencers” and clients will build your prestige.
  6. Avoid line extensions by using “new brands” or “sister brands” for your new projects.
  7. Forget the “microwave” mentality. Your brand is an asset that will be built by working systematically and persistently. Don’t expect to build your brand through a campaign or promotion.
  8. You can work simultaneously on building your brand and promoting your products and programs. You should not give up one action for the other, since it is just as important for your business to sell and manage your brand.

Well, I hope that these reflections allow you to better understand the differences between personal branding and personal brand and above all, clarify the process that you must follow so that as an “Internet entrepreneur”, you can generate a significant advantage that allows you to clearly differentiate yourself from your competitors and add value to it.

Read this artcle on Corporate Branding. i
  • Annani Joseph 4:24 pm 15 December, 2021 Reply

    I just read your article. It’s amazing. You’re totally right.
    As a communication professional, this helps me to better understand those concepts.
    Thank you!

  • Karthikeyan 5:36 am 18 December, 2021 Reply

    Great! Thank you for sharing.
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  • […] l’image de marque personnelle ; […]

  • Linda Murray 11:32 pm 13 November, 2022 Reply

    I was wondering what is the difference between those similar concepts. Your article helped me a lot. Thx

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